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Content Creation for Teachers/Trainers

January 26, 2021

Tools that will save you time.

I have spent years, creating content for both online teaching and for my own workshops and presentations. I have tried out many tools and platforms. If there is one thing that I know, its that you will get blinded by all the options. One tool that I have consistently come back to is Beacon, E-book creator. I keep coming back because they keep getting better. What's more, it's an Irish company based in Belfast and it will save you time (and money).

E-Book Creator

Cartoon & Animation Tools.

I've tried out many over the years. I've used Videoscribe and Animaker. However I would advise that you watch this review first as it goes through the kind of options for different styles of content.

Adobe Spark

Animatron Studio

Getting started with animation and want to learn from scratch how to do animations.